Content Marketing Takes Center Stage
Traditional advertising, such as print and television ads, is increasingly being supplanted by deeper, more focused, and more in-depth content-based methods of connecting with an audience. Rather than trying to attract potential customers with flashy concepts and clever marketing speak, businesses are putting more effort into creating engaging content that potential customers actively seek out.
The goal is to become an authority in your niche. You want your site to be the place of excitement, informed folks come to stay in the loop and to learn more. This means putting out high quality, relevant content on a consistent, continuous basis. Blogs, Twitter accounts, Facebook Fan Pages, and YouTube channels are all great avenues for implementing an aggressive content marketing strategy.
Content marketing can take a multitude of different forms, from website articles to email newsletters to videos. The common thread is that you’re generating trust and interest in your business by providing your audience with free resources that are so good that they actively seek them out.
Social Media Marketing: It Just Keeps Getting Bigger
The huge marketing opportunity presented by social media is hardly news. The power of sites like Twitter and Facebook to connect with customers has been one of the most significant advances in Internet marketing ever. The big story for 2014 is diversification. While Facebook and the other “household name” social networks are still huge, a plethora of newer, more specialized alternatives are quickly gaining ground.
When it comes to online marketing, a laser-targeted audience is worth its weight in gold. A tiny, passionate audience beats a massive but general one every time. Relatively new social media sites like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram are ripe with opportunities for creative, highly-focused marketing strategies.
Establishing a social media presence on a wide variety of different sites is also great for boosting brand recognition. Finally, it’s one of the easiest ways to quickly establish your company as an authority in your market niche.
Pictures are More Important Than Ever
No, plain old text isn’t going anywhere. The importance of the written world remains secure. At the same time, though, it’s clear that consumers are increasingly embracing visually-oriented content. Many of the newer, fast-growing social media networks are focused on pictures in one way or another. Tumblr is for photo and video blogging. Instagram is for modifying and sharing snapshots. Pinterest is all about compiling and organizing images and other media from around the web.
There’s so much competition for people’s attention these days, especially online. While text has its place in advertising, of course, it can’t compete with the power of strong visuals for drawing in eyeballs. Plus, with broadband access well-established in most developed countries, downloading and displaying complex, visually rich pages is no longer an issue.
Of course there are more strategies available. However these are the most prominent items in 2014. To learn more contact Chad at HopIntop at 404-480-4500 extension 103.