Have you ever wondered why your marketing strategies aren’t delivering the desired results? Before you spend time, effort and money in redesigning your next marketing campaign, stop a while and reflect on where you are going wrong! Well, the fault may not exactly lie in your current campaign, but the fact that it isn’t designed according to the needs of the “Modern Buyer”! The truth is that the way buyers function has undergone a complete transformation in recent times. Therefore, before planning a marketing strategy, it is important that you understand your audience and plan a strategy that best suits their personal demands.
What does the Modern Buyer want?
The Modern Buyer has all the information available on their fingertips; this aspect has a huge impact on their journey.
The best way for a marketer to understand the Modern Buyer is to track the customer across multiple channels to better understand their needs. The challenge comes in understanding the buyer because the buyers are not static, their needs keep varying. Marketing isn’t only limited to offering customers great content, but also delivering the right product at the right time and place.
There has been a major transition in the way the Modern Buyer prefers to communicate. While most buyers prefer face-to-face communication, studies have proven that email communication is one of the most powerful channels. In fact, communication on channels such as LinkedIn and Facebook are now gaining tremendous popularity among buyers.
Let us now understand the Modern Buyers Journey:
Awareness Stage
The journey begins when a buyer identifies a particular pain point. They then start looking for solutions to address the issue. While in the past the sales representatives would promote products to buyers, the Modern Buyers conduct their own research to find the perfect solution to their problem.
It’s important for E-commerce sellers to understand the needs of the buyer and engage with them through compelling content.
Evaluation Stage
During the initial stages, a buyer utilizes search, social as well as paid ads to gain more knowledge about the companies. This is followed by detailed research and inquiries about their products and brands.
Purchase stage
During this stage, the buyers narrow down their options to one or two brands. They use keywords for comparing one brand to the other. Some buyers also meet the salesperson or email them regarding their services.
Post-purchase stage
In this stage, the brand needs to focus on retaining its customers. For this, salespersons should try contacting the customers to get feedback on how their product or service is benefitting them.
Customers search for the solutions to the common questions related to the product or service they’ve already purchased.
Let’s take a look at some of the effective marketing approach for the new age buyer:
Target the right audience:
A targeted mindset is very important for marketing. Unless you have a clear idea about your target customers, it can become difficult to conduct marketing. Make sure you know your client’s problems so that you can provide solutions accordingly. Based on your target audience, you need to prepare your marketing tactics properly.
Always Provide Value:
Giving value to customers is the fundamental principle of marketing. As long as you are giving attention to their problems, they will rely on you. This way, you can improve the relationship with your customers as this can help your business to thrive. You need to assure your customers that your product will satisfy their specific requirements.
Use Various Methods for Network Growth:
It is very important to have a wide network if you want to get more leads. The more the number of customers, the better your network will be. For this, you need to focus on quality rather than quantity.
Having a diverse network will help you get high-valued clients, which can turn out to be quite profitable for you.
Focus More on Maintaining Relationships:
Human relations play a vital role in any business. It is a fact that people tend to rely and trust on the brand and the companies with which they share a great bond. You should always be available to solve the queries and doubts of your customers. In this digital era, it has become quite easy to stay connected with your customers. You can connect with the New Age Buyer through emails, social media, and other platforms.
The Advent of Online Marketing:
Online marketing is becoming a new trend these days. It is quite different from conventional marketing techniques. Most of the people are opting for online marketing as it offers a wide range of benefits.
Once you have an idea of the right approach. The next step is choosing the right strategies for your business. An analysis of the modern day buyer reveals that today’s buyers prefer more personalized marketing strategies. To offer a customized marketing strategy it is important to understand your customer.
Some effective marketing strategies for business are:
Content Marketing is the First Step
Content is the best way to engage with your audience. Create relevant content according to each stage of the buyer cycle and target the right audience.
Scale Using Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation services help in creating organize leads that help you launch digital campaigns across multiple channels. This is the best way to market across a number of channels.
Leverage Social Media
Engage with your audience through social media channels. Understand how they use social media and connect with them on the channels of their choice in the language they speak.
Video Selling
Use of graphics and videos has shown better engagement in recent times. The new-age buyer does not have the patience to read lengthy content. He will connect better through visuals. In fact, video selling is found to be more effective as it adds a human touch to the art of marketing.
Account Based Marketing
One of the most effective strategies to increase the ROI is to utilize Account-Based Marketing. In this type of marketing, key accounts/clients are identified and all marketing efforts are customized according to their needs.
Although these are some of the new marketing strategies, it does not imply that the traditional marketing methods should be completely given up! The best approach is to use a mix of traditional and modern strategies according to your business.
In Conclusion
The needs of the “New Age Buyer” have undergone changes in tremendous changes in recent times. And these changes are not static. Time has come for the marketers to keep themselves abreast of the changing customer demands and adopt marketing strategies that are best suited to their needs. There are new technologies and updated methods that help marketers apply the effective strategies in this era of dynamic marketing! For more information on how you can leverage on our modern white label SEO services, get in touch with us. We’ll make things happen for you.