Are you looking for a way to increase your sales leads? PPC and SEO are the most effective and efficient ways to generate sales leads. Consumers go first to search engines when they are planning to buy something. For these to work, you need to adopt strategies that have been proven to work. These strategies include;
Using long-tailed keyword phrases
For your PPC campaigns and Search Engine Marketing to be more efficient, you need to use ‘long-tailed keyword phrases’. These are the most targeted search terms that usually consists of three or more words. By using long-tailed phrases, you will drive the targeted audience to your website. Long-tailed phrases are less competitive as compared to shorter search terms that are usually available in large quantities and therefore more competitive.
Use unique content
The only way that you can attract a large number of audiences is by having unique content. Search engines are more drawn to this type of material. You have to identify a keyword that best describes the business that you are involved in, and have to build unique content around it. You have to concentrate on the following components:
Product titles
Product titles should be unique and reliable. You have to put yourself in the shoes of the shoppers and think of a keyword that they are most likely to use when searching for your product. If you have products that are nearly similar ensure that each is uniquely identified. The product titles should not be unnecessarily long. You can use Google’s keyword research tool if you are not sure of the keyword people use to search for your product.
Item descriptions
You should use terms that are less obvious when you are describing the items you are offering for sale. They should expand on your product titles.
About page
This is the page that will give the search engine a short description of what your business is all about.
Use back links
Search engines rank websites based on the number and quality of links. There is no exact number of links that you can use so that you can be listed high. Each link has a different weight depending on where it is placed. A link on a popular website might be worth more than ten small blog links. A link whether big or small is of great importance to your business. For useful links make sure that:
- If you have a blog, do a self-promotion
- If any of your items are featured in another blog you can ask the editor to include a link to your website but always avoid being spammed.
- Have inter-links between different pages on your website as this will give the search engines the idea that the pages are related or grouped.
- If you know of sites that are need of guest post you can volunteer to have your content posted with a back-link to your website
Use social media
You can promote your product using twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+. Social media advertising discussions show the search engine that people are talking about your product. Bing and Yahoo are known to use social signals to rank businesses.
Go beyond SEO
Although SEO is a cheap way to increase your sales leads, you have to consider other alternatives in order to reap maximum benefits. You can make a small investment in paid contextual advertising also known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC). This method has a high return, and a large audience can be reached.
By using the above mentioned strategies, you will have increased sales leads exponentially. You should be patient when using SEO and PPC as the results are not instant but gradual.