Internet Marketing Tips That Will Generate Business Leads Online

Every entrepreneur whether he/she runs a large business, a boutique firm, or works from home needs a website. Creating a savvy website with a home page, a products or services area and contact information is not enough though. If you want your business to succeed you might need some internet marketing tips that will generate business leads online.

A blog

Whether you’re a dentist, a designer, or you run a gift shop online include a blog like this on your website that offers business related content and update your blog as often as possible. The more you write, the higher your website will rank on Google and the easier you will be found. 
Include a feature on your website that allows readers to sign up for future blog posts and create a permission option for them to be contacted via email.

Offer downloads

In every blog post create a call-to-action – a link that says “Click here for free ebook”. Ebooks are excellent ways to generate leads. When readers click on the link they should be taken to a landing page that offers more information on the subject as well as a sign-up option. An ebook could be on pain free dentistry, samples of your designs, or suggestions for holiday and special occasion gifts. Anything that pertains to your business. Promote this landing page on Twitter or Facebook with a suitable headline. As people click the link and land on your page, they generate business leads for you.

Free advice

On your website offer free advice and win someone’s confidence. This free advice is your chance to showcase you product or service and generate business leads online. Personal contact is often more valuable than reading material. You can also offer this free advice on your blog and share it on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Regular repetition will eventually generate online business leads from your website.

Webinars and seminars

Another great way to generate business leads is offering free webinars or seminars. As an illustrator you can use a webinar to emphasize the importance of illustrations in a children’s book; as a writer/editor you can highlight your services and explain the value of a well written resume or cover letter, or the importance of a well edited manuscript. As people register for the webinar or seminar, they provide their name and email address which can lead to business in the future.


Create a page on your website where clients can leave a review of your products or services. If someone visits your website and is able to read what others think of what you have to offer, it might make the difference between them leaving or becoming customers/clients.

Creating a website that will generate business leads online should be easy to navigate, offer as much information as possible and entice visitors to come back again and again.

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