An email marketing strategy is one of the most serious phases of any business’s success. However, even if you perform every email to the exact specifications of your plan, you won’t be successful unless your emails are of high quality.
These four simple steps will help you improve your emails and your marketing strategy:
Step 1. Capture Prospective Leads with Great Content!
Content over design! Although email design is a component in defining how your prospective customers/recipients answer to your email, content is king. An average person takes under 2 seconds to click an email. So, you need to grasp their attention with content first.
Several end up concentrating on looks rather than what the email speaks. This can cost you, valuable prospective customers.
Step 2. Basic Design Works Best
People typically overcomplicate the design. The design of your email should always be alike to the look and feel of your website and your brand. Simple design not only benefits to increase the chance your email will look good but also helps your message stand out from the rest.
Step 3. Quality Check Your Email
A quality check ensures a good user experience. Take ample time to investigate all the links in your email are working, and all images are viewable on all devices and all internet browsers. Always send a test email first. If you’re using alt text (which you always should), test your email with images disabled so that you can observe the alt text and make sure that it’s accurate. Don’t forget that a quality check is vital when it comes to emails.
Step 4. GIFs Are the New Images
If you use a GIF in any of your emails, it will increase engagement
GIFs are a fantastic content choice these days because not only are they smaller than videos but they also don’t have audio! This makes it faster to load and quick to view.
Using a GIF offers good motion content that get the attention of the reader. The GIF should not be the main content but it will be present as an add-on. If the reader can’t view the GIF, they will still be able to see the message.
A well-organized Email marketing strategy will help grow your conversion rate. For more Steps to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy contact us today.